Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Monday, October 2, 2017

What to Do?

I have three working databases in Rootsmagic. One is my normal database, no exclusions, but also I have not entered the information from a NPE. That is short for Non-Paternal Event, or a child produced by an affair.  This is the database that I have built up since starting my genealogical journey 30 years ago. Just the fact that this database has managed to stay healthy is beyond belief.

The second database is the NPE, and includes the child, his wife and kids, his mother and his biological father. It also includes information that I've been able to verify on the biological father's siblings, parents, grandparents, great grandparents and some of the great-great grandparents.

The third database is a conglomeration of the first database and the second database. In this database I can experiment with linking and unlinking the step-father and the effects that has on the rest of the database.

As I've already explained in prior posts, DNA really threw a wrench in the database. I don't like working in more than one database because I don't want to miss something in a transfer. So for now, I am taking a step back to figure out how I am going to deal with it.

In the meantime, I am continuing to collect evidence, organize it and determine how it goes into one of the above databases.

Copyright 2010-2017, ACK for Gene Notes

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