Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ancestry Will Drive Me Crazy Yet

Ancestry is one of those subscription services that you love, hate and love to hate. Sunday evening it had been more of a "I HATE ANCESTRY" night and I know that I am not alone. C'mon, how many of you out there have gotten this message:

Database id or database name specified incorrectly or the database is no longer valid. 

It has been an extremely frustrating time trying to search census and then after ages of waiting, you get a page with that message.

And you know, I think it is only going to get worse once all these Genie shows hit the air. Could I survive without Ancestry? I doubt it. It is still the best overall resource out there.

Usually when Ancestry starts acting flaky, I start looking for other things I can do. Since most of those things usually involve working on Ancestry, it makes me a bit cranky.  It seems I am usually swearing at my printer or at Ancestry these days.

Maybe I'll take a page out of Cousin Carol's book and go clean out my email folders.

PS.  After waiting a couple days, I got a response from Ancestry that I needed to clear my cache. Now this problem has happened intermittently over the last couple days and has cleared up without any action on my part. No, Ancestry, this is not a cache problem.

Copyright 2010, ACK for Gene Notes


  1. Funny, they tell me that as well! I certainly understand the love hate relationship. I hate paying the bill. I love when I find a new document.

  2. Yesterday, Ancestry admitted they were having a problem for the "last few days." They're still sticking to the cache business.

  3. I was having this same problem, as was Valerie at Begin With Craft. I don't think all of us need to "clear our cache."

  4. The problem was huge, as lots of us will attest.
