Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sympathy Saturday - - Robert W. Kirtley

Robert W. Kirtley was born May 17, 1837 and died March 29, 1890 in Boone county, Kentucky. He was buried in the Bullittsburg Baptist Church Cemetery in Bullittsburg. He was my 3rd cousin 4 times removed.

You can visit his Find a Grave Memorial here.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Friday, March 28, 2014

Freaked Out Friday - Miscellanea

I noted last night that there was some stuff I didn't understand about the to-do items in Legacy 8.0. A quick email to and from Legacy's great help people gave me food for thought. If I can concentrate for longer than 3 minutes I'll go take a look and see.

I am counting down the days until my boot comes off. It's four, I hope. Tuesday I see my doctor and I hope he says I can wear shoes again. It will make therapy easier. Yesterday, I had my first standing session, with a couple walks around the gym. I was told to walk slow. What? I don't walk slow. But I did pretty well. It feels good. 

This week the Tennessee legislature defeated by one vote the proposal to bring daylight savings time permanently to Tennessee. I am so glad. It is confusing enough with Tennessee in two time zones as it is -- East Tennessee is in the Eastern time zone. This was one of the dumber bills I have seen. Personally, I like daylight savings time, but it doesn't matter once winter comes. It still gets dark too early!

Not sure what this weekend will bring, but I hope the weather stays warm. I really hate the cold. Have a good weekend, all.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Too-Too Thursday - Family Trees

I had a nice chat with one of DH's cousins the other day, in which she wanted to verify a source for a marriage record. It seems she was browsing an Ancestry family tree and the tree she saw had some bad information on it. Not that I'm perfect, but cousin's relative was not born in Wisconsin, but in Buffalo, New York and I did have the parent correct.

Please, please, please be careful with those family trees. You don't know where the info came from, and more often than not, the only source for a family tree is a reference to someone else's tree.

Take the time, verify, even if it means duplicating someone else's work. After all, you do want the documentation that proves the relationship, event, etc.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

No Wedding Today!

A Percival relative contacted me over the weekend pointing out something that has always puzzled me ... the fact that my ancestress, Mary Bassett nee Rainsford's first husband died in May of 1670. Not much of a big deal until you look at the birth of James Percival, Jr, the son of James Percival and Mary Rainsford born purportedly January 18, 1671, while his parents weren't married until June of 1671. However, in the transcribed records of  Sandwich, Massachusetts, the date is 1678 or 1675 with the last digit marked over with a 1. My Percival relative pointed out the possibility that either James, Jr was really a Bassett or not James, Sr's son. I pointed out the possibility that the record actually says he is James' son, maybe not Mary's. Personally, I am hoping the date is wrong. I hate to think I've been researching the wrong surname all these years. I guess the only definitive test would be for a Bassett descendant and a Percival descendant (from James junior) to have their DNA tested.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Survey - You Really Want my Opinion?

Went to last night and the survey request popped up. Yeah, I'm going to take it and no, I don't expect to listen. After all they haven't listened to me since I bought a membership way back in the early 1990s. But they are going to get my two cents worth two different ways. Whether they want it or not. 

I really hate the fact that I can't sort the stupid results alphabetically any more. I don't want their idea that I want to search all that European crap when I am searching in Missouri, California or Texas, for crying out loud.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday Moanin' - Week 6 and a Little Genealogy

Can't believe it's been 5 weeks (yesterday) since I broke my ankle. Now into week 6, I can't wait to get out of this boot. Therapy is slow, but I have a lot less pain, for which I am really grateful.

Last night I sat down in my office and actually did a little data entry. What a joy. Then I got frustrated working with's new search. I. Hate. It. Seriously, they think it is helpful?  It gave me a headache!

I got so enthused with data entry that I printed out a few death certs from which to enter data and did a bit more!

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sympathy Saturday - Harvey L. Carter

On March 22, 1966 in Knoxville, Iowa, Harvey Carter, son of Edwin Carter and Martha Bridges. He was born September 19, 1893 in Missouri and was my first cousin 3 times removed. He was buried in Keokuk National Cemetery.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Friday, March 21, 2014

Freaked Out Friday - More Boot Talk

Yesterday at PT, I was told about a product called EVENUP that is made for someone in a boot to wear on the non-boot shoe that raises you up to the same level. Oh what a joy that is! My back is starting to feel so much better. I can walk a little better and don't feel like ever step is going to throw me on the floor!

Today, I am being brave and going for a pedicure. My last one was 9 weeks ago. Ugh. At least my foot and ankle are looking better! 

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Too-Too Thursday - Crap Revisited

 On Tuesday, I complained about Ancestry. You can see I am supposed to be searching the United States Collection in an exact search. So why the heck am I getting crap for England? This has always been an issue with So why do they keep rolling out new searches when none of them work?

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wedding Wednesday - Bowman and Stanhope

On March 20, 1850 in Lexington, Kentucky, Miss Nancy C. Bowman to William F. Stanhope. This was William's second marriage. His first wife was Sarah Bowman, Nancy's older sister, who died in 1847. Both women were my 1st cousin 4 times removed, being the daughters of Joseph Bowman and Elizabeth Bowman who were first cousins.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

While You Were Sleeping ... Screwed Up!

I have not done much if anything with my genealogy while I've been recuperating from the broken ankle. I knew was making changes to their "search" but I really wasn't prepared for the crap they have come up with. Even my cousin, who used the previous "new" search hates it.

They certainly have not fixed the problem when doing an exact search of all the extra crap that comes up. For instance, if I am searching the US collection, I don't want to see results from Europe. It makes absolutely no sense. Blah. So, now that I can spend a limited amount of time searching, I don't want to.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Moanin' - Week Five - Das Boot Woes

I can't believe that it was four weeks ago yesterday that I fell and broke my ankle and sprained all the soft and muscular tissue in my right foot and ankle. While I am doing well in therapy and am rapidly regaining range of motion, the toll on my left hip is awful. Anyone who has spent any time in a cast or "boot"  will understand how awful it is until you find a shoe to wear on that side that is close to putting both legs on an even keel. It had gotten so bad that I can hardly walk around the house and the cane doesn't help much. Finally, dug through all my shoes and found an older Sketcher tennis shoe that helps. Not only was it affecting the left hip, but the left knee and right knee were starting to act up. Saturday night it made it difficult to sleep, so I woke up a bit cranky yesterday.

With the improvement of the ankle, I had hoped to spend a little more time in the office working, but I just couldn't get comfy. Today, it isn't quite so bad, so maybe things are looking up.

I have cousins who were supposed to be heading up to Minster, Ohio on Sunday so that they could haunt the historical museum there. When I looked at Sunday's weather map, I wondered whether they got off okay or not. Nasty weather through Kentucky on the map.

I am counting down the days until I see the orthopedic surgeon - 15. The boot stays on until then.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Too-Too Thursday - Legacy Family Tree

I worked in Legacy Family  Tree a bit the other day,  trying to go over some of the shortcuts I had printed from the help file back in December.  Some of them did not work as I expected.  I sent in a bug report and was basically told I was wrong.  When I bought the new version I also bought the book,  since I was basically new to the program.  I am a little irritated that changes have been made from what was printed.

I have yet to go back into the program and reprint the shortcut pages.  Seems silly that I have to relearn some of the stuff I already learned and the new version is only a few months old.

After that,  I have to figure what went wrong with the Families app import of my updated database onto my nook.  I have to admit I am feeling a bit frustrated.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wedding Wednesday - Bodley & Pearce

On March 12, 1835 in Louisville, Kentucky, William S. Bodley married Ellen Pearce. He was my 2nd cousin four times removed and was the son of General Thomas and Catherine Harris Schiell Bodley.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Slow Progress

Monday was a busy day for me.  I spent a couple hours in my office trying to accomplish a couple of tasks,  both with just a modicum of success.  Then it was back to the couch to put my foot up for a while.

DH and I celebrated the 35th anniversary of our first date on Monday,  so we ate dinner out.  It was the first time I've eaten out since my fall.  Later it was back home to ice my foot.  I have some confidence that I will gradually build up time in my office.  The craft room is something else altogether since the chair in there is a drafting chair.  I have enough trouble getting up on it without the handicap of this boot.

I still am bored frequently,  but hopefully that won't last too much longer.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Moanin' Week Four

Still not much improvement in range of motion,  but the swelling is down quite a bit.  My foot and ankle are still going through the rainbow of color.  Mostly browns now.  Therapy was started,  and hopefully I will start to see some improvement.  Only 2-3 weeks left of the boot I hope.

Friday I was fortunate to be able to sit in on the Legacy sources and citations webinar. And now I am champing at the bit to get back to my research.

On a more interesting note,  today is the 35th anniversary of our first date.  And I still feel way too young to have been with him that long!  Love my DH like crazy!  Happy anniversary.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sympathy Saturday : Eleven Years

I can't believe that it has been almost 11 years since my dad died.  Both of my kids were in their early twenties.  We were still living in Michigan.  Now we all live in Tennessee and my mom,  too,  has passed.

Miss you,  dad.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Too-Too Thursday - Weather, DST, et al

We're starting to have an upswing on the weather. Yay. At least for about the next week. It can't come too soon, since it has been very cold and icy this winter. And this weekend starts Daylight Savings Time, which I always look forward too. That heralds the start of grilling season, since it will stay light enough at dinner time to grill. I keep looking for signs of Spring. Mouse the cat has seen her signs, since most days she can be found parked in front of the dining room windows chirping like a bird.

The ankle is slowly healing. Looks like the boot and I will be together for 3-4 more weeks. Ugh.  This will probably keep me from attending the annual Home and Garden show in town this weekend. Bummer. Old Daughter will be attending it for the first time. We've looked forward to it since she moved into her house in January. Part of the issue is that the venue is not handicap friendly. Why they built it without any kind of elevator is nuts. It's in a pavilion which is used for livestock shows and to get to the main floor of the exhibit area requires steps. Also, this place has a dirt floor. I just can't imagine trying to walk with a cane around this place since the boot has me so off balance. And, I start P-T tomorrow. As I recall, I will be uncomfortable afterwards.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wedding Wednesday - Chinn and Johnson

On March 5, 1817 in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, Thomas Withers Chinn married Elizabeth Johnson. Legacy tells me that Thomas is my half third cousin four times removed, since he descends through my ancestor Rawleigh Chinn and his legal wife, Esther Ball.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday Ankle Update

I hate when you're told the awful burning sensation you're feeling in your injured appendage is normal. As I was told today, the "break" is healing nicely, but the sprains of all the other stuff needs time and rehab. So the boot is here to stay for another 3-4 weeks.

The good thing, I was able to get up and down the stairs today relatively easy. Which is good, since Friday I start physical therapy for my poor little ankle. Well, not so little since I am still experiencing the awful burning sensation and it is still pretty swollen.

I still can't sit for any length of time in a normal feet on the floor position, but am assure that keeping my foot elevated is good for the swelling anyway. It will be really nice for the weather to warm a bit so I can get some fresh air again. I never did deal with cabin fever well!

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday Moanin' - Now We're Cooking!

DH learned how to make a meal in the crock pot the other day. He made a pot roast which turned out oh-so-good!

He's talking spaghetti next. One issue. We have a new stove, an induction model. I only had a chance to use it a couple times and had planned on making spaghetti the day I fell and broke my ankle. Since I can't instruct him on its use, I told him that was on hold. I think I'll have to come up with some ideas for other crock pot meals.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sympathy Saturday - Margaret Archbald Oliphant

On March 1, 1808 in Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland, Margaret Archbald (or Archibald) Oliphant, wife of  Ralph Oliphant, died. She was born about 1782 in Marlefield, Roxburghshire. She was my great-great-great-great grandmother.

Copyright 2010-2014, ACK for Gene Notes