Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Birthday Post!

Really, I should have posted this earlier BEFORE DH and I went to the winery, but here it goes.

I was born 28+ years ago in Detroit, Michigan. To future genealogists, the age is a lie. To those who know me, the age is a joke! Also, its a hint of where to look for more info since I now live in Tennessee.

My Older Daughter wrote a very nice post about me last night, that you can read here. I read it very early this morning (around 2 am) in bed trying not to laugh out loud and wake the hubby.  Instead, I held it in and just shook with laughter. You see, she gets me. My younger daughter also gets me and if you are a FB friend, you likely saw her post, too. They obviously inherited my sense of humor, and possibly my love of putting words on paper or computer screen.

It's wonderful when you can look at a child and say, they have grandma's nose, daddy's mouth and mommy's sense of humor!

The picture of me was when I was four. It was not my birthday, but a trip to the Detroit zoo with the neighbors. I was in a dress. That's what little girls wore. Obviously, I did not have the "sit like a lady" thing down yet.

Copyright 2010-2016, ACK for Gene Notes

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