Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thriller Thursday - A Tragic Accident.

First, the Missouri Death Certificates for 1965 are now available online at the Missouri State Archives site here. One of the first things I do is to search for my family surnames. So when I searched for Percival, this is what I found. Five members in the same family died on the same day in a tragic automobile accident. An account of the accident can be found in the June 27th edition of the St. Louis, Missouri Post-Dispatch on the first page.

The first four listed died instantly and it everyone from the Percival car were thrown from the vehicle. The other child, Rebecca died later of her injuries. In addition to these family members, two other children survived with minor injuries. Mrs. Percival's parents were also killed in the accident. Also killed in the accident were Mr. and Mrs. Burgman who were in the other vehicle involved. Mr. Burgman was the only one not thrown from a vehicle. All told, 9 people died as a result of the crash.

This was one instance, when I was glad they weren't my Percivals.

Copyright 2010-2016, ACK for Gene Notes

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