Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Some Day This Project, Too, Will End

 I am STILL working on those deaths that occurred in Missouri, using GenSmarts as the vehicle by which to search. I forget how long it has been, but any project that lasts longer than a week is taking forever. You might recall that I started at somewhere north of 1300 people to search for death records on. As of today, I need to check 53 more people. I would say two-thirds of them either died before their county kept records or died elsewhere.

Last week, while working on the project, I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden all the designations - found, not found, ignore, plan to search, etc., were removed. With the help of Aaron at GenSmarts, I was able to load a backup file made the day before which restored everything but the last 24 hours that I had searched. I found out then, that the number had grown to 1554. Yes, I found lots of census, family, marriages to inflate that number. Which explains why that number is going down so slowly. Maybe tomorrow I can go back to my letter project.

Copyright 2011, ACK for Gene Notes


  1. Projects --- they tend to take over my life. It appears that you have the same affliction. Cheers.

  2. That one sure did. But, I can happily report that one is complete.
