Then next week, DH has to take his dad for partial denture fitting, I visit the hygienist and we need to do some spring cleaning. DH's cousin from Buffalo visits the following week. Because it is spring here, the trees are throwing off their seeds and our deck and table and grill are covered by them. I want it to dry up enough so that we can blow that crap off the deck and get it ready for company. It's impossible to not track this stuff into the house and I am constantly sweeping it up. It is one of the curses of a wooded lot.
Older daughter has found a new apartment and will be moving next month. She wanted a first floor place, but will be moving into an end unit second floor apartment. This means she will have no one over her. Since this is an outside entrance apartment, she has a balcony with its own little gate. I can't wait to see it. Too bad she graduated from Tech last year as this apartment is only three blocks from Tech and is across the street from the Farmer's Market.
I am enjoying the bird feeder immensely. The indigo buntings are back and they are just so vivid! Right now a male bunting is sharing the bird feeder with a female cardinal. And a new yard visitor is a squirrel with a blonde tail! Whoa.
Since it looks like I will be trying to squeeze a little research and letter transcribing over the next couple of weeks, my blogs my be brief.
Copyright 2010, ACK for Gene Notes