Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Life Interrupts!

DH and I both got health wake up calls recently and have embarked on a serious exercise program of walking. His doctor wants him to work up to between 3 and 5 miles PER DAY. Well, we did over two Tuesday (1+ in the afternoon and 1+ in the evening.) He said we probably doubled what we averaged last week.

On top of that his old desktop, age 7, gave up again today, and could not be revived. So off to the computer store where we purchased a Dell desktop with more RAM and hard drive space than he'll ever use. Setting it up was not that difficult, but since I am still running Windows Vista, he's sort of on his own. So we purchased "Windows 7 for Seniors for Dummies." Yes, it pretty much has us covered. He discovered a handy little utility for making copies via his scanner, which replaces the HP Director program that came with his scanner (also 7 years old.) It worked nicely and we just have some more re-installations to do. So far Microsoft Office 2003 is doing okay. Keeping our fingers crossed.

Life seems to be getting in the way of my research. I am trying to work around it, so we'll see what shakes in the next few weeks.

Copyright 2011, ACK for Gene Notes

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