Gene Notes

Some random and some not-so-random thoughts on family history.

Friday, December 30, 2011

A Look Back at 2011

I don't know why it is that I am so happy to see the year end. Maybe because it wasn't such a great year over all. My DH and I were each diagnosed with diseases we didn't want to deal with, yet I think the experiences and learning how to deal with our diagnoses has been a wake up call. DH is walking close to if not over 5 miles on a daily basis. I'm eating healthier. I think we both feel a lot better knowing we have somewhat minimal control over our bodies for the time being.

DH's father passed in September. He was 92 years old and was starting to decline at an increased pace.

Our older daughter took a cruise with friends. She loved it. I'm a little jealous. Younger daughter made the move from the Detroit area to Nashville. It's nice to have all four of us in the same state again.

My genealogy database grew by smaller leaps and bounds than usual - adding just over a thousand people with associated sources, places and images. And I finally got all the death records I had lingering in folders added to my database!

I actually did work on older daughter's scrapbook photo album. Now that vacation time is over and the holidays are winding up, I expect to be back in the groove scrapbooking again. This time last year I was planning their cookbooks, a project that actually got done quickly. It's nice to know I don't have to package up anything I make for younger daughter and pop it in the mail or over to UPS. Nope, we can drive it there or have her pick it up on one of her trips here for the weekend.

Younger daughter adopted a cat in May. Her name is Belle and she has spent some time at grammy and grampy's house without younger daughter. Amazingly enough, she really didn't get too excited about the Christmas tree or the decorations. Of course, grammy tried to keep the danglies to a minimum.

What's in store for 2012 besides the 1940 census? Who knows!

Copyright 2011, ACK for Gene Notes


  1. my Mum just started tracing our family tree so I am guessing we will find out allsorts in the next few months

  2. I'd say you really accomplished a lot in 2011. I really don't even try to add many names to my family tree. Despite some holes, I'd much rather research the lives of the ones I have. I think that is why I love blogging so much. Glad to hear that you recognize the good side of facing illnesses we'd rather not deal with.
