A couple weeks ago on
Heritage Happens, Cheryl posted funeral cards for Funeral Friday. I thought that was a great idea, because I have a lot that belonged to my aunt Margie, my husband's Aunt Stella and my late mom-in-law. I have no idea who these people are and the above mentioned people aren't around to tell me. The information side often has written notes or ages. I'm going out on a limb and saying what I am posting is from the Detroit area, but since my aunt Margie's husband, Uncle Angus (always known by his Percival nephew and nieces as Uncle Mack) had roots in the thumb area of Michigan, some could be from there also. The only problem was, I couldn't locate them. Then, the other day I was reaching for a clear plastic box that has all my file folder tabs and lo and behold, the box under it - also clear - had a funeral card in it. There was my stash of unknown dead people. I mean their cards, not the actual dead people. Because keeping dead people in a clear plastic box on a shelf is just wrong.
If you are lucky enough to be related to any of the funeral cards I post, be my guest and click on the image, right click on it and save it. That's why I am posting them.
Okay. Having said that, the first one I chose was the above mentioned Father Schuller. I picked his because I really love the artwork on the front. To view it, click on the image. Don't forget to hit the back button on your browser to return to this page.
Copyright 2010, ACK for Gene Notes
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